Bicycle Tours Through Prince Edward Island Summer Season

The smallest province in Canada presents big, big opportunities for bicycle tours. Bicycling PEI will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

Prince Edward Island sometimes seems to have been tailor made for a bicycle tour vacation. Picture-perfect postcard coastlines, rolling hills, miles and miles of beaches and lush farmland offer sights and sounds that will linger long past your 인천공항2터미널주차대행 island vacation. All you need do to start your journey is get on a bike and start pedaling.

The Prince Edward Island leg of the Trans Canada Trails is called the Confederation Trail. It seems to have been made specifically with cycling tours in mind with its 350 kilometers tracing the island from tip to tip. There are lots of villages along the way allowing for frequent stops for food, lodging and a taste of PEIs island culture. Pedal at your own pace and soak up all the shore has to offer. Diehard enthusiasts: youll want to challenge yourself with day-long bicycle tours designed to test your skill and endurance.

At one with nature, Prince Edward Island bicycle tours provide the perfect way to become enchanted with this gentle island. Among the many sights youre sure to encounter are the famous red cliffs; miles and miles of white, champagne, pink or red beach sand; rolling dunes; panoramic ocean vistas extending into the horizonand you may even be lucky enough to spot the endangered Piping Plover.

Prince Edward Island cycling tours provide the perfect way to catch sight of the sun settling over the water, marking the end of the days journey. Sit seaside and feast on the oceans bounty, accompanied by fresh PEI lobster or our world famous Malpeque oysters.

Whatever your activity level – whether bicycling fan, casual rider or lingering sight-seer – Prince Edward Island cycling tours provide riding opportunities that will make memories to last a lifetime.

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